Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the girls are on their way!

so lets not even pretend to be shocked by the fact that i haven't posted since march. but now, i'm back and super excited! my mommy, along with my aunt and little sister, will be arriving in Spain in about a week. i have been working diligently on our travel plans for the time we're here, make-believing i'm a travel agent or something. anyone who follows my tweets will have seen me vent my frustrations about not being able to get our schedule together. BUT i finally got it right! we'll be hitting up the major parts of Spain, some Italian destinations, and a couple days in Morocco as well. even though i just spent some time in Marrakech (Morocco; where the photo above was taken), i loved it so much that i am more than willing to go back with my family. plus, we'll be going to a different city anyway.

in preparation for our trip, i decided to put together a little video to tease the palettes of mi familia. while i've been traveling around europe, i usually don't take my laptop but this time i will, so maybe i'll be able to post day by day on our little vacay. making the video got me excited, and hopefully it does the same for my mama, aunt and sis.


all the video clips i used were found on YouTube, and i don't claim any rights or ownerships.

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