Monday, July 19, 2010

summa summa summa time

heat. hot. sizzling.

all perfect words to describe this summer. and i'm not just talking about temperature! its been a while since my last blog (keeping with my usual trend) but not that much has happened, really. so lets pick up where we left off...

my mom, sis, and aunt came to visit me in Spain, we traveled around and hit up places like Rome and Fez, Morocco. then we came back on June 9th i think and had a bit of downtime. a week or so later the family went to Mississippi while i flew to Texas to get my car and made a road trip from TX to CA. what came next?...oh we went on a family vacation for the 4th of July to Orlando, FL and that was so much fun. we chilled with Mixed Martial Arts fighter James McSweeney and ran into long-time friend Deiondra Sanders at the Universal Studios Theme Park. let me just tell you that Harry Potter land was go check it out, seriously.

other than that you are pretty much caught up. i left out things like practicing a little piano and guitar, and working my voice back to its classically-trained days. oh, last night we celebrated my cousin Whitney's birthday in San Francisco and that was a bunch of fun. i'm actually supposed to be at her house right now for lunch but i'm a bit behind schedule haha.

now you're completely caught up, and i have to get out of here before someone calls looking for me. i would promise to keep my blog current, but i don't want to lie to you...


1 comment:

A'Keiba said...

oops i cut off Deiondra, which was the whole point of the picture! i need to resize it